
A Quake Engine based on QuakeSpasm

Quakespasm-Spiked (aka: QSS) - a Quake Engine based on QuakeSpasm. Features: * Based on QuakeSpasm, offering familiarity. * Retains Quakespasm's look and feel. * Superior networking (server just needs port 26000 forwarded through NATs, without having to deal with DMZ nonsense). * High framerates no longer affect physics. * Expanded limits vs Quakespasm. * Plethora of SSQC extensions (to make the impossible possible!). * Simple CSQC support, for mod-specific huds and menus! * Optional fancy particle system (compatible with FTE+DP). * Optional PNG texture replacements (not just tga). * MD3 model support, basic IQM support. * PK3 support. * Ogg vorbis for sound effects as well as just music. * Fixes 'sticky walls' bug. * Skyrooms ("_skyroom" "x y z paralax rotspeed rotx roty rotz" worldspawn key). * Per-entity BSP Contents overrides (eg: self.skin = CONTENTS_WATER;). * Supports lightmap scaling, BSPX lits, and lots more stuff! * Increased lightstyle limit (beyond 255). Requires updated light util. * Increased lightstyles-per-face limit (up to 16). Requires updated light util. * Voicechat (can be embedded into demos). * Provides misc_model support, for mods that do not. Game data must be placed in ~/.quakespasm/id1 .

There is no official package available for openSUSE Leap 15.6


openSUSE Tumbleweed

games Experimental
home:mnhauke:games ชุมชน

openSUSE Leap 15.6

games Experimental
home:mnhauke:games ชุมชน

openSUSE Leap 15.5

games Experimental
home:mnhauke:games ชุมชน

openSUSE Backports for SLE 15 SP4

home:mnhauke:games ชุมชน

openSUSE Backports for SLE 15 SP3

home:mnhauke:games ชุมชน

Unsupported distributions

The following distributions are not officially supported. Use these packages at your own risk.