Simple and dumb file system watcher
Filesys::Notify::Simple is a simple but unified interface to get notifications of changes to a given filesystem path. It utilizes inotify2 on Linux, fsevents on OS X, kqueue on FreeBSD and FindFirstChangeNotification on Windows if they're installed, with a fallback to the full directory scan if they're not available. There are some limitations in this module. If you don't like it, use File::ChangeNotify. * There is no file name based filter. Do it in your own code. * You can not get types of events (created, updated, deleted). * Currently 'wait' method blocks. In return, this module doesn't depend on any non-core modules. Platform specific optimizations with Linux::Inotify2, Mac::FSEvents, Filesys::Notify::KQueue and Win32::ChangeNotify are truely optional. NOTE: Using Win32::ChangeNotify may put additional limitations. * Win32::ChangeNotify uses FindFirstChangeNotificationA so that Unicode characters can not be handled. On cygwin (1.7 or later), Unicode characters should be able to be handled when Win32::ChangeNotify is not used. * If more than 64 directories are included under the specified paths, an error occurrs.
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openSUSE Tumbleweed
openSUSE Leap 15.6
openSUSE Leap 15.5