
Convert 'numbers' with scientific postfixes

Convert::SciEng supplies an object for converting numbers to and from scientific notation with user-defined formatting. Three different styles of fix are supported, standard CS, SI and SPICE: SPICE = P T g x k '' m u n p f a SI = P T G M K '' m u n p f a Fix = 1e15 1e12 1e9 1e6 1e3 1e0 1e-3 1e-6 1e-9 1e-12 1e-15 1e-18 CS = P T G M K '' Fix = 2^50 2^40 2^30 2^20 2^10 2^0 Methods are supplied for creating the object and defining which fix style it will use, and defining for format of numbers as they are converted to scientific notation.

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openSUSE Leap 15.6

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