
Color space conversions and named lookups

This module provides conversions between commonly used ways to express colors. It provides conversions between color spaces such as RGB and HSV, and it provides ways to look up colors by a name. This class provides a base for subclasses which represent particular color values in particular spaces. The base class provides methods to represent the color in a few convenient forms, though subclasses may provide more specific details for the space in question. For more detail, read the documentation on these classes; namely: * Convert::Color::RGB - red/green/blue as floats between 0 and 1 * Convert::Color::RGB8 - red/green/blue as 8-bit integers * Convert::Color::RGB16 - red/green/blue as 16-bit integers * Convert::Color::HSV - hue/saturation/value * Convert::Color::HSL - hue/saturation/lightness * Convert::Color::CMY - cyan/magenta/yellow * Convert::Color::CMYK - cyan/magenta/yellow/key (blackness) The following classes are subclasses of one of the above, which provide a way to access predefined colors by names: * Convert::Color::VGA - named lookup for the basic VGA colors * Convert::Color::X11 - named lookup of colors from X11's _rgb.txt_

There is no official package available for openSUSE Leap 15.6


openSUSE Tumbleweed

openSUSE Leap 15.6

openSUSE Leap 15.5

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