Matrox video driver for the Xorg X server
mga is an Xorg driver for Matrox video cards. The driver is fully accelerated, and provides support for the following framebuffer depths: 8, 15, 16, 24, and an 8+24 overlay mode. All visual types are supported for depth 8, and both TrueColor and DirectColor visuals are supported for the other depths except 8+24 mode which supports PseudoColor, GrayScale and TrueColor. Multi-card configurations are supported. XVideo is supported on G200 and newer systems, with either TexturedVideo or video overlay. The second head of dual-head cards is supported for the G450 and G550. Support for the second head on G400 cards requires a binary-only "mga_hal" module that is available from Matrox, and may be on the CD supplied with the card. That module also provides various other enhancements, and may be necessary to use the DVI (digital) output on the G550 (and other cards).
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