
Automating virtual domains for qmail

vpopmail (vchkpw) is a collection of programs and a library to automate the creation and maintence of virtual domain email for qmail installations using either a single UID/GID, or any valid UID/GID in /etc/passwd with a home directory. All the features are provided in the library for other applications which need to maintain virtual domain email accounts. It supports named or IP based domains. It works with vqadmin, qmailadmin, vqregister, sqwebmail, and courier-imap. It supports MySQL, Sybase, Oracle, LDAP, and file-based (DJB constant database) authentication. It handles 1 to 23 million users per domain, and up to 23 million domains.

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openSUSE Leap 15.6

openSUSE Leap 15.5

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