
A tool for monitoring webpages for updates

urlwatch is intended to help you watch changes in webpages and get notified (via email, in your terminal or with a custom-written reporter class) of any changes. The change notification will include the URL that has changed and a unified diff of what has changed. A default config is ~/.urlwatch/urlwatch.yaml. use "urlwatch --edit-config" to customize it. You need to create ~/.urlwatch/urls.yaml in order to use urlwatch. Use "urlwatch --edit" to open the file with your editor. Please look in /usr/share/doc/packages/urlwatch/README.md TIPS AND TRICKS what to use in urls.yaml.

Non hai ningún paquete oficial dispoñíbel para openSUSE Leap 15.6


openSUSE Tumbleweed

openSUSE Leap 15.5



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