
Daemon to Associate udisks events to actions like automounting

udisks-glue is a tool that can associate udisks events to user-defined actions. In that sense, udisks-glue is almost "glue code"[1], hence the name. udisks (formely known as DeviceKit-disks) is an abstraction layer on top of the Linux disks subsystems that, in conjunction with the other DeviceKit subprojects, aims to be a replacement for the now almost defunct HAL project. Like most other recent Linux desktop frameworks, udisks exposes its API via DBus to its clients (often desktop environments). Users wishing to have more control about what happens when specific disk-related events often have to use a tool like halevt[2] or ivmon[3], which work on top of HAL. Now that HAL is no longer being actively developed and most distributions are considering dropping support for it, those users will have to migrate to a new tool, and udisks-glue might as well fill that gap. udisks-glue should eventually offer the most useful features found in the aforementioned projects. As of now, however, only the most basic functionality is available (mounting and unmounting removable media). Contributions are welcome.

沒有可用的 openSUSE Leap 15.6 官方套件







