
A disk-to-disk backup tool for Linux

storeBackup is a disk-to-disk backup tool. The backuped files can be directly browsed (locally, via NFS, via SAMBA or whatever). This gives the users the possibility to restore files. They only have to copy (and possibly uncompress) the file. The is also a tool for restoring (sub) trees for the administrator. Every single backup of a specific time can be deleted without affecting the other existing backups. Before you can start using storeBackup, please carefully read /usr/share/doc/packages/storeBackup/README.1ST and create an appropriate configuration file /etc/storebackup.d/storebackup.config using /usr/share/doc/packages/storeBackup/storebackup.config.default as a template.

Es ist kein offizielles Paket für openSUSE Leap 15.6 verfügbar


openSUSE Tumbleweed

openSUSE Leap 15.6

openSUSE Leap 15.5


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