
A command-line utility that checks for best practices in SaltStack

.. image:: <a href=""></a> :target: <a href=""></a> :alt: PyPI .. image:: <a href=""></a> :target: <a href=""></a> :alt: Travis (.org) .. image:: <a href=""></a> :target: <a href=""></a> :alt: Coveralls Salt-lint ========= ``salt-lint`` checks Salt state files (SLS) for practices and behavior that could potentially be improved. The project is heavily based on `ansible-lint`_, which was created by `Will Thames`_ and is now maintained as part of the `Ansible`_ by `Red Hat`_ project. Installing ========== Using Pip --------- .. code-block:: bash pip install salt-lint From Source ----------- .. code-block:: bash pip install git+<a href=""></a> Usage ===== Command Line Options -------------------- The following is the output from ``salt-lint --help``, providing an overview of the basic command line options: .. code-block:: bash Usage: salt-lint [options] init.sls [state ...] Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -L list all the rules -r RULESDIR specify one or more rules directories using one or more -r arguments. Any -r flags override the default rules in /tmp/saltlint/lib/saltlint/rules, unless -R is also used. -R Use default rules in /tmp/saltlint/lib/saltlint/rules in addition to any extra rules directories specified with -r. There is no need to specify this if no -r flags are used. -t TAGS only check rules whose id/tags match these values -T list all the tags -v Increase verbosity level -x SKIP_LIST only check rules whose id/tags do not match these values --nocolor disable colored output --force-color Try force colored output (relying on salt's code) --exclude=EXCLUDE_PATHS path to directories or files to skip. This option is repeatable. -c C Specify configuration file to use. Defaults to ".salt-lint" Linting Salt state files ------------------------ It's important to note that ``salt-lint`` accepts a list of Salt state files or a list of directories. GitHub Action ------------- Salt-lint is available on the GitHub `marketplace`_ as a GitHub Action. The `salt-lint-action`_ allows you to run ``salt-lint`` with no additional options. To use the action simply add the following lines to your ``.github/workflows/main.yml``. .. code-block:: yaml on: [push] jobs: test: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: Salt Lint Action steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Run salt-lint uses: roaldnefs/salt-lint-action@master env: ACTION_STATE_NAME: init.sls Configuring =========== Configuration File ------------------ Salt-lint supports local configuration via a ``.salt-lint`` configuration file. Salt-lint checks the working directory for the presence of this file and applies any configuration found there. The configuration file location can also be overridden via the ``-c path/to/file`` CLI flag. If a value is provided on both the command line and via a configuration file, the values will be merged (if a list like **exclude_paths**), or the **True** value will be preferred, in the case of something like **quiet**. The following values are supported, and function identically to their CLI counterparts: .. code-block:: yaml --- exclude_paths: - exclude_this_file - exclude_this_directory/ - exclude/this/sub-directory/ skip_list: - 207 - 208 tags: - formatting verbosity: 1 Pre-commit Setup ---------------- To use salt-lint with `pre-commit`_, just add the following to your local repo's ``.pre-commit-config.yaml`` file. Prior to version 0.12.0 of `pre-commit`_ the file was ``hooks.yaml`` (now ``.pre-commit-config.yaml``). .. code-block:: yaml --- - id: salt-lint name: Salt-lint description: This hook runs salt-lint. entry: salt-lint language: python files: \.(sls)$ Rules ===== False Positives: Skipping Rules ------------------------------- Some rules are bit of a rule of thumb. To skip a specific rule for a specific task, inside your state add ``# noqa [rule_id]`` at the end of the line. You can skip multiple rules via a space-separated list. Example: .. code-block:: yaml /tmp/testfile: file.managed: - source: salt://{{unspaced_var}}/example # noqa: 206

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