
Unit test your websites with code that acts like a web browser

This release includes: - send correct newline in mimeEncode (thanks Ivan Kurmanov) - handle Max-Age set to 0 (thanks Matt Chisholm) Webunit is a framework for unit testing websites: - Browser-like page fetching including fetching the images and stylesheets needed for a page and following redirects - Cookies stored and trackable (all automatically handled) - HTTP, HTTPS, GET, POST, basic auth all handled, control over expected status codes, ... - DOM parsing of pages to retrieve and analyse structure, including simple form re-posting - Two-line page-fetch followed by form-submit possible, with error checking - Ability to register error page content across multiple tests - Uses python's standard unittest module as the underlying framework - May also be used to regression-test sites, or ensure their ongoing operation once in production (testing login processes work, etc.)

Ei virallista pakettia saatavilla: openSUSE Leap 15.5


openSUSE Tumbleweed


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