
PDF utilities (based on Poppler) Poppler is a PDF rendering library based on Xpdf PDF viewer. . This package contains command line utilities (based on Poppler) for getting information of PDF documents, convert them to other formats, or manipulate them: * pdfdetach -- lists or extracts embedded files (attachments) * pdffonts -- font analyzer * pdfimages -- image extractor * pdfinfo -- document information * pdfseparate -- page extraction tool * pdfsig -- verifies digital signatures * pdftocairo -- PDF to PNG/JPEG/PDF/PS/EPS/SVG converter using Cairo * pdftohtml -- PDF to HTML converter * pdftoppm -- PDF to PPM/PNG/JPEG image converter * pdftops -- PDF to PostScript (PS) converter * pdftotext -- text extraction * pdfunite -- document merging tool

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