
Daemon-less container engine for managing containers, pods and images

Podman is a container engine for managing pods, containers, and container images. It is a standalone tool and it directly manipulates containers without the need of a container engine daemon. Podman is able to interact with container images create in buildah, cri-o, and skopeo, as they all share the same datastore backend.

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openEuler 21.03

openSUSE Tumbleweed

openSUSE Leap 15.6

openSUSE Leap 15.5

openSUSE Leap 15.4

openSUSE Backports for SLE 15 SP3

Raspbian 10

Debian Unstable

Debian Testing

Debian 12

Debian 11

Debian 10

Fedora Rawhide (unstable)

Fedora 39

Fedora 38

Fedora 37

CentOS CentOS-8-Stream

CentOS CentOS-7

Ubuntu 23.10

Ubuntu 23.04

Ubuntu 22.04

Ubuntu 20.04

Ubuntu 18.04

Nepodporované distribuce

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