
YAML 1.2 Processor

YAML::PP is a modular YAML processor. It aims to support 'YAML 1.2' and 'YAML 1.1'. See <a href=""></a> . Some (rare) syntax elements are not yet supported and documented below. YAML is a serialization language. The YAML input is called "YAML Stream". A stream consists of one or more "Documents", separated by a line with a document start marker '---'. A document optionally ends with the document end marker '...'. This allows one to process continuous streams additionally to a fixed input file or string. The YAML::PP frontend will currently load all documents, and return only the first if called with scalar context. The YAML backend is implemented in a modular way that allows one to add custom handling of YAML tags, perl objects and data types. The inner API is not yet stable. Suggestions welcome. You can check out all current parse and load results from the yaml-test-suite here: <a href=""></a>

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