
Creates and updates RSS files

This module provides a basic framework for creating and maintaining RDF Site Summary (RSS) files. This distribution also contains many examples that allow you to generate HTML from an RSS, convert between 0.9, 0.91, 1.0, and 2.0 version, and other nifty things. This might be helpful if you want to include news feeds on your Web site from sources like Slashdot and Freshmeat or if you want to syndicate your own content. XML::RSS currently supports versions at <a href=""></a> , at <a href=""></a> , at <a href=""></a> , and at <a href=""></a> of RSS. RSS was originally developed by Netscape as the format for Netscape Netcenter channels, however, many Web sites have since adopted it as a simple syndication format. With the advent of RSS 1.0, users are now able to syndication many different kinds of content including news headlines, threaded messages, products catalogs, etc. *Note:* In order to parse and generate dates (such as 'pubDate' and 'dc:date') it is recommended to use DateTime::Format::Mail and DateTime::Format::W3CDTF , which is what XML::RSS uses internally and requires. It should also be possible to pass DateTime objects which will be formatted accordingly. E.g: use DateTime (); my $dt = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => 1_500_000_000); $rss->channel( pubDate => $dt, . . . );

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