
Check Perl modules have version numbers

Do you wanna check that every one of your Perl modules in a distribution has a version number? You wanna make sure you don't forget the brand new modules you just added? Well, that's the module you have been looking for. Use it! Do you wanna check someone else's distribution to make sure the author have not committed the sin of leaving Perl modules without a version that can be used to tell if you have this or that feature? 'Test::HasVersion' is also for you, nasty little fellow. There's a script _test_version_ which is installed with this distribution. You may invoke it from within the root directory of a distribution you just unpacked, and it will check every _.pm_ file in the directory and under _lib/_ (if any). $ test_version You may also provide directories and files as arguments. $ test_version *.pm lib/ inc/ $ test_version . (Be warned that many Perl modules in a _t/_ directory do not receive versions because they are not used outside the distribution.) Ok. That's not a very useful module by now. But it will be. Wait for the upcoming releases.

Es ist kein offizielles Paket für openSUSE Leap 15.5 verfügbar


openSUSE Tumbleweed

openSUSE Leap 15.6

openSUSE Leap 15.5

openSUSE Leap 15.4


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