
Alternative handles_via implementation

If you've used Moose's native attribute traits, or MooX::HandlesVia before, you should have a fairly good idea what this does. Why re-invent the wheel? Well, this is an implementation that should work okay with Moo, Moose, Mouse, and any other OO toolkit you throw at it. One ring to rule them all, so to speak. For details of how to use it, see the manual. * Sub::HandlesVia::Manual::WithMoo How to use Sub::HandlesVia with Moo and Moo::Role. * Sub::HandlesVia::Manual::WithMoose How to use Sub::HandlesVia with Moose and Moose::Role. * Sub::HandlesVia::Manual::WithMouse How to use Sub::HandlesVia with Mouse and Mouse::Role. * Sub::HandlesVia::Manual::WithMite How to use Sub::HandlesVia with Mite. * Sub::HandlesVia::Manual::WithClassTiny How to use Sub::HandlesVia with Class::Tiny. * Sub::HandlesVia::Manual::WithObjectPad How to use Sub::HandlesVia with Object::Pad classes. * Sub::HandlesVia::Manual::WithGeneric How to use Sub::HandlesVia with other OO toolkits, and hand-written Perl classes. Note: as Sub::HandlesVia needs to detect which toolkit you are using, and often needs to detect whether your package is a class or a role, it needs to be loaded _after_ Moo/Moose/Mouse/etc. Your 'use Moo' or 'use Moose::Role' or whatever needs to be _before_ your 'use Sub::HandlesVia'.

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openSUSE Leap 15.6

openSUSE Leap 15.5

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