
Lightweight HTTP implementation

*Note:* you should look at the HTTP::Tiny manpage or the LWP manpage before using this module. HTTP::Lite is a stand-alone lightweight HTTP/1.1 implementation for perl. It is not intended as a replacement for the fully-featured LWP module. Instead, it is intended for use in situations where it is desirable to install the minimal number of modules to achieve HTTP support, or where LWP is not a good candidate due to CPU overhead, such as slower processors. HTTP::Lite is also significantly faster than LWP. HTTP::Lite is ideal for CGI (or mod_perl) programs or for bundling for redistribution with larger packages where only HTTP GET and POST functionality are necessary. HTTP::Lite supports basic POST and GET operations only. As of 0.2.1, HTTP::Lite supports HTTP/1.1 and is compliant with the Host header, necessary for name based virtual hosting. Additionally, HTTP::Lite now supports Proxies. As of 2.0.0 HTTP::Lite now supports a callback to allow processing of request data as it arrives. This is useful for handling very large files without consuming memory. If you require more functionality, such as FTP or HTTPS, please see libwwwperl (LWP). LWP is a significantly better and more comprehensive package than HTTP::Lite, and should be used instead of HTTP::Lite whenever possible.

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