
Faster conversions to/from Bencode format

* bencode($stuff) Returns a bencoded string representing what's in $stuff. $stuff can be either a scalar, an array reference or a hash reference. Every nesting of these data structures is allowed, other ones will croak. * bdecode($bencoded) Returns a Perl data structure: it could be either a scalar, array reference or hash reference depending on what's in $bencoded. Dictionaries are converted in hashes, lists in arrays, scalars in strings. If $COERCE (see below) is set to a false value then scalars encoded like integers will be cleanse() before being returned so that a re-serialization of the structure will give back exactly the same bencoded string.

openSUSE Leap 15.5 に対する公式のパッケージはありません


openSUSE Tumbleweed

openSUSE Leap 15.6

openSUSE Leap 15.5

