
Command Line Interface interface to Google Calendar

The 'gcal' command provides a quick and easy interface to Google Calendar from the command line. Before using the 'gcal' command, you need to provide your Google credentials. The most convenient way to do this is by using your '~.netrc' file and supplying credentials for the '' machine. For example: machine login bill password 1234 NOTE: On Windows, your '.netrc' file is at '%HOME%.netrc'. NOTE 2: On Unix, ensure your '~.netrc' file has the permissions set to 600. Alternatively, you can pass the username and password as a parameter to 'gcal', as follows: gcal --username="bill" --password="1234" You can then pass one or more '.ics' files to the 'gcal' command and it will be added to your Google Calendar. You can also pass one or more strings to the 'gcal' command, which will attempt to parse it and create a new event. It uses ICal::QuickAdd to parse, so has the same functionality and limitations.

There is no official package available for openSUSE Leap 15.6


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openSUSE Leap 15.6

openSUSE Leap 15.5