The OpenSLP Implementation of the Service Location Protocol V2
Service Location Protocol is an IETF standards track protocol that provides a framework that allows networking applications to discover the existence, location, and configuration of networked services in enterprise networks. This package contains the SLP server. Every system, which provides any services that should be used via an SLP client must run this server and register the service.
Il n'y a pas de paquet officiel disponible pour openSUSE Leap 15.6Distributions
openSUSE Tumbleweed
openSUSE Leap 15.6
CentOS CentOS-8-Stream
CentOS CentOS-8
CentOS CentOS-7
Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Distributions non supportées
Les distributions suivantes ne sont pas officiellement supportées. À utiliser à vos risques et périls.