
Categoria: Office

Wordcount graphing program

NovProg allows you to create a graph of your progress in writing a NaNoWriMo style novel. You enter your wordcount and it updates a graph showing you how much progress you have made. It also shows you how far you are through your daily goal, and your total goal. Mousing over a bar in the graph will show a tooltip with that day's wordcount.

Non è disponibile alcun pacchetto ufficiale per openSUSE Leap 15.6


openSUSE Tumbleweed

openSUSE Slowroll

openSUSE Leap 15.6



Debian 12

Fedora 41

Fedora 40

Ubuntu 24.04

Ubuntu 22.04

Distribuzioni non supportate

Le seguenti distribuzioni non sono ufficialmente supportate. Usare questi pacchetti a proprio rischio.