
Network Sniffer for Packet Inspection

netsniff-ng is a network sniffer for packet inspection. It is similar to tcpdump, and likewise uses a memory mapped area for accessing packets. It can be used for protocol analysis and reverse engineering, network debugging, measurement of performance throughput, or network statistics creation of incoming packets on central network nodes like routers or firewalls. The netsniff-ng toolkit consists of the following utilities: * netsniff-ng, a zero-copy analyzer, pcap capturing and replaying tool * trafgen, a multithreaded low-level zero-copy network packet generator * mausezahn, high-level packet generator for HW/SW appliances with Cisco-CLI * bpfc, a Berkeley Packet Filter compiler, Linux BPF JIT disassembler * ifpps, a top-like kernel networking statistics tool * flowtop, a top-like netfilter connection tracking tool * curvetun, a curve25519-based IP tunnel * astraceroute, an autonomous system (AS) trace route utility

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