
Library for converting ANSI, ASCII, and other formats to PNG

libansilove is a library to convert ANSi and artscene related file formats into PNG images. The following formats are supported: - .ANS - ANSi (ANSI escape sequences: ANSI X3.64 standard) - .PCB - PCBoard Bulletin Board System (BBS) own file format - .BIN - Binary format (raw memory copy of text mode video memory) - .ADF - Artworx format, supporting custom character sets and palettes - .IDF - iCE Draw format, supporting custom character sets and palettes - .TND - TundraDraw format, supporting 24-bit color mode - .XB - The eXtended Binary XBin format, supporting custom character sets and palettes

Es ist kein offizielles Paket für openSUSE Leap 15.5 verfügbar


openSUSE Tumbleweed

graphics Versuchsweise

openSUSE Leap 15.6

graphics Versuchsweise

openSUSE Leap 15.5

graphics Versuchsweise

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