Library for converting ANSI, ASCII, and other formats to PNG
libansilove is a library to convert ANSi and artscene related file formats into PNG images. The following formats are supported: - .ANS - ANSi (ANSI escape sequences: ANSI X3.64 standard) - .PCB - PCBoard Bulletin Board System (BBS) own file format - .BIN - Binary format (raw memory copy of text mode video memory) - .ADF - Artworx format, supporting custom character sets and palettes - .IDF - iCE Draw format, supporting custom character sets and palettes - .TND - TundraDraw format, supporting 24-bit color mode - .XB - The eXtended Binary XBin format, supporting custom character sets and palettes
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openSUSE Tumbleweed
openSUSE Slowroll
openSUSE Leap 15.6
openSUSE Leap 15.5