
Amazon Lightsail SDK

The types from this library are intended to be used with <<a href=""></a> amazonka>, which provides mechanisms for specifying AuthN/AuthZ information, sending requests, and receiving responses. Lenses are used for constructing and manipulating types, due to the depth of nesting of AWS types and transparency regarding de/serialisation into more palatable Haskell values. The provided lenses should be compatible with any of the major lens libraries such as <<a href=""></a> lens> or <<a href=""></a> lens-family-core>. See "Network.AWS.Lightsail" or <<a href=""></a> the AWS documentation> to get started.

openSUSE Leap 15.6 हेतु कोई आधिकारिक पैकेज उपलब्ध नहीं है


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