
DJB daemontools - tools for managing UNIX services

Supervise monitors a service. It starts the service and restarts the service if it dies. The companion svc program stops, pauses, or restarts the service on sysadmin request. The svstat program prints a one-line status report. Multilog saves error messages to one or more logs. It optionally timestamps each line and, for each log, includes or excludes lines matching specified patterns. It automatically rotates logs to limit the amount of disk space used. If the disk fills up, it pauses and tries again, without losing any data. Author: -------- D. J. Bernstein

Ei virallista pakettia saatavilla: openSUSE Leap 15.5


openSUSE Tumbleweed

openSUSE Leap 15.5

openSUSE Leap 15.4




Arch Extra

Raspbian 12

Raspbian 11

Debian 12

Debian 11

Debian 10

Fedora Rawhide (unstable)

Fedora 40

Fedora 39

Fedora 38

ScientificLinux 7

RedHat RHEL-7

CentOS CentOS-8

CentOS CentOS-7

Ubuntu 24.04

Ubuntu 22.04

Ubuntu 20.04

Ubuntu 18.04

Ubuntu 16.04

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