
Class Library for Numbers (C++)

CLN features a rich set of number classes: integer (unlimited precision), rational, short float, single float, double float, long float (unlimited precision), complex, modular integer, and univariate polynomial. It implements elementary, logical, and transcendental functions. C++ as the implementation language brings efficiency, type safety, and algebraic syntax. Memory efficiency: small integers and short floats are immediate, not heap allocated. Automatic, noninterruptive garbage collection. Speed efficiency: assembly language kernel for some CPUs, Karatsuba and Schoenhage-Strassen multiplication. Interoperability: garbage collection with no burden on the main application, hooks for memory allocation and exceptions. The following C++ features are used: classes, member functions, overloading of functions and operators, constructors and destructors, inline, const, multiple inheritance, templates, and namespaces. The following C++ features are not used: new, delete, virtual inheritance, and exceptions.

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