Clipboard / Cutbuffer management helper
X servers use two schemes to copy text between applications. The first one (old and deprecated) is the cutbuffer. The other scheme is the selection. Recent desktop applications (GNOME, KDE, ...) use two selections: the PRIMARY and the CLIPBOARD. The PRIMARY selection is used when you select some text with the mouse. You usually paste it using the middle button. The CLIPBOARD selection is used when you copy text by using, for example, the Edit/Copy menu. You may paste it using the Edit/Paste menu. Windows VNC clients keep the Windows clipboard synchronized with the cutbuffer, but not with the selections. And since recent applications don't use the cutbuffer, the server's CLIPBOARD is never synchronized with Windows' one. Autocutsel tracks changes in the server's cutbuffer and CLIPBOARD selection. When the CLIPBOARD is changed, it updates the cutbuffer. When the cutbuffer is changed, it owns the CLIPBOARD selection. The cutbuffer and CLIPBOARD selection are always synchronized. Since the VNC client synchronizes the Windows' clipboard and the server's cutbuffer, all three "clipboards" are always kept synchronized.
There is no official package available for openSUSE Leap 15.6Distributioner
openSUSE Tumbleweed
openSUSE Backports for SLE 15 SP4