
Math::Brent Perl module

This is an implementation of Brents method for One-Dimensional minimisation of a function without using derivatives. This algorithm cleverly uses both the Golden Section Search and parabolic interpolation. The main function *Brent*, given a function reference *\&func* and a bracketing triplet of abcissas *$ax*, *$bx*, *$cx* (such that *$bx* is between *$ax* and *$cx* and *func($bx)* is less than both *func($ax)* and *func($cx)*), isolates the minimum to a fractional precision of about *$tol* using Brents method. A maximum number of iterations *$itmax* may be specified for this search - it defaults to 100. Returned is an array consisting of the abcissa of the minum and the function value there. The function *BracketMinimum*, given a function *\&func* and distinct initial points *$ax* and *$bx* searches in the downhill direction (defined by the function as evaluated at the initial points) and returns an array of the three points *$ax*, *$bx*, *$cx* which bracket the minimum of the function and the function values at those points. The function *Minimise1D* provides a simple interface to the above two routines. Given a function *\&func*, an initial guess for its minimum, and its scaling (*$guess*,*$scale*) this routine isolates the minimum to a fractional precision of about *$tol* using Brents method. A maximum number of iterations *$itmax* may be specified for this search - it defaults to 100. It returns an array consisting of the abcissa of the minum and the function value there.

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