
Display text in formatted table output

Text::TabularDisplay simplifies displaying textual data in a table. The output is identical to the columnar display of query results in the mysql text monitor. For example, this data: 1, "Tom Jones", "(666) 555-1212" 2, "Barnaby Jones", "(666) 555-1213" 3, "Bridget Jones", "(666) 555-1214" Used like so: my $t = Text::TabularDisplay->new(qw(id name phone)); $t->add(1, "Tom Jones", "(666) 555-1212"); $t->add(2, "Barnaby Jones", "(666) 555-1213"); $t->add(3, "Bridget Jones", "(666) 555-1214"); print $t->render; Produces: +----+---------------+----------------+ | id | name | phone | +----+---------------+----------------+ | 1 | Tom Jones | (666) 555-1212 | | 2 | Barnaby Jones | (666) 555-1213 | | 3 | Bridget Jones | (666) 555-1214 | +----+---------------+----------------+

There is no official package available for openSUSE Leap 15.6


openSUSE Tumbleweed

openSUSE Leap 15.6

openSUSE Leap 15.5

openSUSE Leap 15.4


Unsupported distributions

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