
PHP module for the Apache 2.x webserver

PHP is a server-side, cross-platform HTML embedded scripting language. If you are completely new to PHP and want to get some idea of how it works, have a look at the Introductory tutorial. Once you get beyond that, have a look at the example archive sites and some of the other resources available in the links section. Please refer to /usr/share/doc/packages/php8/README.SUSE for information on how to load the module into the Apache webserver.

Non è disponibile alcun pacchetto ufficiale per openSUSE Leap 15.6


openSUSE Tumbleweed

openSUSE Slowroll

openSUSE Leap 15.6

openSUSE Leap 15.5

openSUSE Leap 15.4

openSUSE Backports for SLE 15 SP3



Distribuzioni non supportate

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